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SWS22 2022

The Wall

The Wall
Granton Harbour Breakwater, Edinburgh, UK
13 minutes
Sound walk

A Sound Walk and Installation on the Western Breakwater, Granton Harbour, Edinburgh, Scotland.

You can locate this soundwalk and installation by taking the West Harbour Road, and turning onto Chestnut Street. There is a ‘Private’ sign. Turn left onto Hesperus Crossway, and go to the very end of the road.

Slip through the fence and walk forwards. It is a dead end and in front of you is The Wall.

During the past few years, place names have been changed, walls have been smoothed over, fittings removed, and ‘messy’ buildings have been redecorated so as to almost wipe out any hint of their former daily functions. The result is a gentrification and appropriation (in the name of regeneration), which erases most external reminders of the past. It must be remembered, though, that ‘the past’ was made by people, and many of those people still live in the area. Their memories are who they are; this past is a valuable part of their lives.

APA style reference

Grainger, T. (2022). The Wall. walk · listen · create.

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mooching (around)

To loiter or walk aimlessly.

Added by Janette Kerr

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