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Towards Nothing: Photographing Through the Lens of Zen Intuition

Towards Nothing
Multiple locations

Walking as a Question

4 - 17 Jul, 2021 · 109 items
Sound walk

This website is a portable exhibition and participatory walking artwork that can be viewed on location using any mobile device connected to the internet. It is designed to be used while on a walk. This work is intentionally not location specific, which means that it can be experienced by participants in Prespa, as well as anyone internationally, at any time, by visiting the website while on a walk.

The website utilises the act of walking, alongside a Zen based intuition, to shift the focus of photography away from the resulting images towards the process of photographing itself, thereby highlighting the importance of immersion and a deep connection to the moments experienced. The website also posits a new method of exhibiting photographs, to be viewed on location while on a walk, that captures the fleeting, immersion first, in-the-moment interactions that are experienced while walking. This website develops walking and photographing as a way of locating a very specific version of Zen-based intuition in the world, while also allowing the practitioner to co-arise with it, with the photograph acting as the residue of this action.


Hosted by: Walking as a Question

APA style reference

Hughes-Parry, K. (2021). Towards Nothing: Photographing Through the Lens of Zen Intuition. walk · listen · create.

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keeping distance

Moving in a way so as to maintain distance between self and one or two other animals within view.

Added by JamesC

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