We’re starting 2021 with a fresh design for walk · listen · create, the home of walking artists and artist walkers. Enjoy!
The biggest change is one that we will not fully implement until February: you can become a supporting member of walk · listen · create. This will allow us to become somewhat financially viable, while offering you an attractive package of perks, specifically if you’re a regular attendee of our cafés.
Details will follow, but you’ll start seeing gold and silver badges showing up next to user avatars, indicating complimentary memberships that some will receive over the course of January, for their work or contributions.
Overall, the design of our site has been streamlined, standardised, and simplified, making the site faster and less dependent on third party providers. We also like to think that your content, specifically events and walking pieces, is now easier to discover.
We’ve given more prominence to the importance of you ‘hearting’ (liking) content, as well as the geographical location an event or walking piece is connected to. With each event or walking piece that’s connected to a location, you’ll see other events and walking pieces that are connected to a nearby location, facilitating discovery of the hundreds of events and walking pieces that you have submitted over the past year. (Has it only been a year?!)
The second biggest change we’ve implemented is the opportunity to follow the creators you want to keep track of. When you follow individual artists, their content, posts, walking pieces, events, is given prominence, to you, on the homepage of walk · listen · create, giving you an easy way to keep track of what is happening in the world of sound walking.
We’ve also left PayPal behind as our payment gateway, and our now using Stripe, the biggest advantage being that credit card payments are now seamless and fast.
There are still a number of smaller changes that you will see implemented over the next few weeks. In the mean time, do let us know what you think about the new design, but do not hesitate to let us know if you feel we’re missing something, or if you spot what you think could be a bug.
To contact us, use our contact page, or find us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
Meanwhile, we’re in the final stretch before announcing the winners of SWS20, and looking forward to implementing the plans we have for this year. Stay tuned.
Happy new year!