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Featured SWS21 29 Jul, 2021

Introducing Sound Walk City · prelude


Together with Cona, we are both proud and pleased to introduce Sound Walk City · prelude, a festival of sound walks, performances and sound works, coinciding with Sound Walk September 2021.

Cona, based in Ljubljana, Slovenia, creates and promotes contemporary art works in relation to society, technology, environment, space and sound, and with that, is wonderfully positioned to take the lead in this first, tentative, instalment of what we hope and expect will be a yearly recurring, and travelling, festival.
Cona is lead by Irena Pivka and Brane Zorman, with Katarina Radaljac essential in getting Sound Walk City off the ground.
Irena and Brane, in 2020, received an honourable mention in the SWS20 Awards, for their work Sandbox.

Check out the schedule for what’s cooking for Sound Walk City · prelude. Some events will require you to be in Ljubljana, some you can participate in, wherever you are.

Specifically, two of our cafés scheduled for September, will be part of Sound Walk City. Stay tuned for the announcements.

Also, on September 25, we host Beat a Situationist. At his own game., which will be a hybrid workshop, hybrid in several ways: offline and online, remote and local, hands-on and listening-in. This will be a full-day event, across multiple timezones, with talks, amongst others, by Michael KwetCecilia Quiles, and John Wild.

September is promising to be quite the month.

APA style reference

Fakhamzadeh, B. (2021). Introducing Sound Walk City · prelude. walk · listen · create.

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To walk slowly and heavily along, as in “I must soak home and get a bite to eat.” from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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