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New 1 Sep, 2024

Months From Now

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Long listed for the Write about Walking Together competition 2024

We walk across barren rock,
The earth’s skin, exposed and cracked.
We’re hot with precipitation –
hair cellophane-wrapping
our unfamiliar skulls.

I sing to the sky, a lullaby
for a clearer horizon.
We don’t hold hands as I recall
what you told me months ago,
the saddest things.

I sang to the sky then too. Her answer
was to bring you here on the wind,
with smiles like a pearl necklace
around your neck.

  • Read other pieces in the Write about Walking Together competition long list
  • Itching to write something yourself? Submit a piece to our Shorelines project, and invite your friends to read it aloud. Join one of our creative writing workshops or keep up to date with all our competitions by signing up to our ‘Walking Writers’ newsletter here or to our curated newsletter that covers all things about walking art here.

APA style reference

Fleming, D. (2024). Months From Now. walk · listen · create.

Writing Competition 2024 Walking Together Long list

Collection · 27 items
Sound Walk September
Walking Together
creative writing
walking writing


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Walking Together

Shani Cadwallender gives her view on "Walking Together" the theme to this year's writing competition.

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One who carries a heavy bag for another who is intent on spoiling a walk.

Added by Andrew Stuck

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