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News New 19 Sep, 2024

Living Streets Aotearoa is looking for a paid part-time Communications and Campaigns Assistant

Living Streets Aotearoa is looking for a paid part-time Communications and Campaigns Assistant.Please apply by 4 October if you’re interested, or share this information with friends & members of your networks who may be interested.The successful candidate will help Living Streets Aotearoa expand our advocacy work and put walking more in the spotlight and on the map.Communications and Campaign Assistant roleSee the linked Job Description for full information:Download the Communications and Campaign Assistant role description.Applications close on Friday 4 October. Please send your application to [email protected] for your continued support for walking.

APA style reference

timjones (2024). Living Streets Aotearoa is looking for a paid part-time Communications and Campaigns Assistant. walk · listen · create.


A jaunt, a rambling walk or ride just for the sake of breaking restraint. from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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