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“88 visual prayers for Henro” Japanese buddhist pilgrimage

Water colour after the Taifun
Multiple locations

walking as research.

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creating encounters

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Public Art

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Walking piece
No longer available

In 2006 I walked the Henro 88 temples buddhist pilgrimage walk in the Island of Shikoku, Japan.
On the side of the route, I left 88 small installations as “visual prayers”. I wore around my neck an explanation, written in Japanese, of how I was living this pilgrimage and the nature of my “prayers”. Before accepting hospitality food or a shower from the people and monks along the road, I would ask them to read that explanation. It was well understood that making an act of art was equivalent to pray, which is my conception of art as a sacred endeavour.

The attached photos show some of the installations I made.

APA style reference

DAVIN, F. (2006). “88 visual prayers for Henro” Japanese buddhist pilgrimage. walk · listen · create.

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Repeatedly going over the same terrain, generally backwards and forwards, although there is no reason why it can’t be circular. Whether done in- or outdoors it is usually restricted to a small area. Can be done at any time of the day or night. Eg when trying to get or keep a newborn to sleep.

Added by Rundancer

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