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Ann de Forest

Ann de Forest is drawn to the resonance of place. Her short stories, essays, and poetry have appeared most recently in Hippocampus, One Art, Quarter after Eight, Gyroscope Review and Royal Beauty, a collection of ekphrastic writing. She is the editor of Ways of Walking, an anthology of essays (New Door Books, 2022) inspired by her experience walking the entire perimeter of Philadelphia. That project has prompted ongoing explorations with a growing community of walking artists and writers about the power of slow creative practice and art as collective witness, most recently at India’s Shillim Institute.


Repeatedly going over the same terrain, generally backwards and forwards, although there is no reason why it can’t be circular. Whether done in- or outdoors it is usually restricted to a small area. Can be done at any time of the day or night. Eg when trying to get or keep a newborn to sleep.

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