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Dakota LaCroix

Dakota LaCroix

Curiously exploring the spirited stories of place and beyond...(United States)


Online Jury 2022
Online Jury 2023
Online Jury 2024
SWS23 shortlisted
Dakota La Croix’s creations are sparked by a radical curiosity for discovering beyond the senses and the power of story to explore a deeper meaning.

His creative adventures have lead him to walk and document people for ten months in America and Canada, with content being featured in Back Packer Magazine, National Geographic Online and the Boston Globe to name a few.

As a creative producer, his work has appeared at major film festivals in the United States and abroad, with cinematic audio and voice work finding life for foundations, podcasts, sound walks, the FM dial and national television.


Means of transport by foot; or portable device exploited to encourage walking.

Added by Misha Myers

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