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Ella Parry-Davies

Ella Parry-Davies

I am a researcher working on performance in contexts of transnational migration, and facilitate Home Makers: a collection of soundwalks recorded and co-edited with migrant domestic workers in the UK and Lebanon. Each soundwalk can be listened to following simple prompts, or in the location where it was recorded, chosen by each speaker for its personal significance. The experiences you will hear about range from delivering supplies to COVID-positive domestic workers, to collective activism, to defying and escaping abusive employers, to reconciling faith and homophobia. The website hosts transcripts, further resources and more information about the process of collaboration.

Tw: @EllaParryDavies


Back in the 1500s, nuddle had a few meanings that congregated low to the ground: To nuddle was to push something along with your nose or nudge forward in some other horizontal manner. By the 1800s, nuddle started referring to stooped walking, the kind of non-jaunty mosey in which someone’s head is hanging low. You can hear a touch of contempt in a phrase from an 1854 glossary by A. E. Baker: “How he goes nuddling along.” Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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