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Emma Keene

Emma Keene

Lover of light & dark poetry. I enjoy morphing the two & exploring the space inbetween through words. I take inspiration from my own journey, from emotions, nature, art, film, society, culture & music.
I also enjoy other genres, such as, haiku, senryu, scifi, horror & romance. Favourite poets are Baudelaire, Plath, Sexton, Keats, Frost, Poe.


Cats aren’t known for clomping around like Clydesdales; they’re stealthy. That’s why cat-footing refers to walking that’s more subtle and graceful than that of the average oaf. In Harry L. Wilson’s 1916 book Somewhere in Red Gap, this word appears in characteristic fashion: “…I didn’t yell any more. I cat-footed. And in a minute I was up close.” Cat-footing is a requirement for a career as a cat burglar. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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