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Eugenio Tisselli

Eugenio Tisselli

Eugenio Tisselli is a computer scientist and independent researcher. He holds a master's degree in Digital Arts, and has been awarded a Ph.D. degree by the University of Plymouth. As the director of the ojoVoz project, he has developed a software platform and a sociotechnical methodology for the collaborative creation of community memories in rural and urban contexts. This methodology is currently being applied and expanded within the context of the ICT for Agroeocology framework, developed in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) and Swissaid.
He has presented his work in multiple conferences, festivals and exhibitions throughout the world. His platform-based research is available at


From translations of the Greek playwright Aristophanes: It literally means to walk on the air, but actually means to walk as if on air. What a perfect word for buoyant sauntering, after, say, receiving good news. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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