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Gabi Mariano

Gabi Mariano

Master in Architecture and Urbanism (PPGAU UniRitter/Mackenzie, 2019), Member of the Collective Cartography of Hospitality since 2017. Researcher by the PhD program “Historia, Arquitectura y Diseño” (UIC-Barcelona, 2008). Senior Executive Partner at Inova Arquitetura since 2006. She studies the cultural relations between individual and space and, what are the elements that can influence the perception and the design configuration.

zig-zag walking

A kind of attitudinal or intentional walk in which one chooses a zig-zag pathway, choosing a feature in the environment to walk towards and changing chosen feature and direction at will. A way to subvert prescribed directionality, and view, of built urban pathways.

Added by James Cunningham

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