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Geoff Sample

Geoff Sample

Geoff Sample is a field recordist, natural history author and sound artist, with a particular interest in birdsong, acoustic ecology and the cultural history of hearing music in nature.

His books and audio guides have been published by HarperCollins, including the best-selling Collins Bird Songs & Calls. His radio work has ranged from the BBC’s Tweet of the Day to the Essay series A Birdsong Garden.

He regularly works in collaboration with contemporary and multi-form artists: highlights include the highly-acclaimed Dawn Chorus with Marcus Coates, the incomparable Away with the Birds with Hanna Tuulikki and the recent Bird Roads with poet Katrina Porteous.

The underlying spirit of Sample’s work follows our animal connection, in sound and voice, charting and reflecting on the diverse community of life on this earth through a period of monumental change. Song is song, whatever.

snaffle, snoodle

These fanciful-sounding words have no definitive origin: They probably just sounded right to someone who was sauntering, which is what they both mean. An Oxford English Dictionary (OED) example from 1821 describes someone “soodling up and down the street.” Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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