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my artistic practice revolves around my immediate sub/urban surroundings; looking for immanent aesthetic or narrative facets in places, situations and objects, that exceed their superficial appearance. i am highlighting these aspects through isolation or exaggeration, whereby fact and fiction mix up with sociopolitical undertones.
media i use, like for example video installation or audio walk, are most often time based and space related and aim to evoke immersive experiences rather than create self contained artifacts.
i was born 1988 in northern germany where i grew up. i finished my diploma of fine arts 2015 at the braunschweig university of arts. part of my practice involves travelling and seeking out places of interest. i'm living in hannover now where i also have my studio.


A place to gaze. Conspectuses are viewpoints where the terrain opens itself naturally to the viewer, where the eye can thread in and out of the circle of hills, and names suggest a narrative sequence offering the possibility of beginning to know where you are. Traditional conspectus include suidhe (Gaelic, seat), used to view hunting.

Added by Alec Finlay

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