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Jo Tito

Jo Tito

Jo Tito is a full time Māori artist whose work has featured at home in Aotearoa NZ and in other countries including Turkey, USA, Indonesia, Canada and Australia. Jo's creative work is a collaboration with nature and her ongoing project Earth - Water - Light - Stone is a merging of nature with photography, paint, words and digital media to share stories of connection that speak for the environment and for humanity. Jo is also a Trustee with Intercreate - an organisation that nurtures art, science, technology collaborations with a focus on environmental issues. She is also a passionate gardener, documenting the growing of her garden through words and photography. ”My garden is my space for healing, reflection, learning and creativity - everything is there. Many of my ideas and learning come from growing my garden and contemplating nature.”


If you sleepwalk, or just like to stroll about after dark, you have a tendency to noctambulate, or walk around at night. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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