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Louise Todd

Louise Todd

I am an academic based at Edinburgh Napier University, and a visual artist. In both aspects of my work, I am concerned with people and places through the lens of tourism, both as a phenomenon, and as a set of practices. My interests reflect how we gaze upon, experience, and perform tourism when we engage with spaces and places. My artwork and research are linked, and each informs the other. I am particularly interested in narratives of visual culture, tourism, and the tourist gaze, alongside festivals, and cities.


People who jog, run, and sprint have their share of problems that slow-moving people can barely comprehend. One is oversupination. As the OED defines it, to oversupinate is “To run or walk so that the weight falls upon the outer sides of the feet to a greater extent than is necessary, desirable, etc.” A 1990 Runner’s World article gets to the crux of the problem: “It’s hard to ascertain exactly what percentage of the running population oversupinates, but it’s a fraction of the people who think they do.” Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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