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Morag Rose

Morag Rose

I am an anarcho-flaneuse and walking artist-activist-academic. In 2006 I co-founded The LRM (Loiterers Resistance Movement) a psychogeographical collective based in Manchester UK. On the first Sunday of every month we organise a free, communal, creative walking event open to anyone who wishes to join us. During Covid-19 we have continued to walk together, alone, using various technologies and you would be welcome to join us wherever you are and however you walk. The LRM manifesto states “Our city is wonderful and made for more than shopping. The streets belong to everyone and we want to reclaim them for play and revolutionary fun….” We are committed to a critical engagement with urban space, uncovering hidden stories and creating walks that are accessible, interesting and full of creative mischief.

I have also created urban interventions such as games of CCTV Bingo, human fox hunts (no foxes involved) and giant vegan cake maps. I have a portfolio of tours and performance walks covering subjects from modernist heroines to monstrous Manchester, celebrations of public space, haunted waterways, liminal spaces and the cultural geographies of drinking (see here for a list and details if you are interested in commissioning or collaborating on new work I have exhibited, performed and shared my work widely and have contributed to a number of publications on walking as a cultural, political, artistic and research process. A selected bibliography is here Recurring themes in my work include the value and importance of public space and spatial justice. My PhD explored women’s intersectional experiences of walking in Manchester and I currently work part time as a lecturer in Human Geography at The University of Liverpool.

I am currently part of Walking Publics / Walking Art: Walking, wellbeing and community during Covid-19. We are exploring the potential of the arts to sustain, encourage and more equitably support walking during and recovering from a pandemic. The project is funded by the AHRC, is led by Dee Heddon (University of Glasgow) and the team includes includes Clare Qualmann (University of East London) Maggie O’Neill (University College Cork) Harry Wilson and Eleanor Capaldi (University of Glasgow) and myself from The University of Liverpool. We are advised by Carole Wright and our full list of partners is Paths For All, Arts Canteen, Living Streets, MOLA, Ramblers Scotland and Glasgow Life, with Open Clasp Theatre Company and Sheffield Environmental Movement as Associate Partners. We will share our findings through an online gallery of artists’ walking work, a Walking Toolkit, commissioned Creative Walks, and a Cultural Walking Summit. Find out more here:


In the 1600s, anteambulate referred to walking in front of someone to show them the way, like an usher. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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