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I am an experienced writing tutor, offering inspirational one-off workshops and residentials as well as ongoing weekly creative writing and poetry classes (online and face-to-face). I offer writers guidance and stimulus, bringing a rich variety of sources – texts, paintings, film clips, music and stories – to my teaching and suggesting new and enriching ways of engaging with landscape and other themes.

I studied art history, have an MA in Creative & Professional Writing, and worked as a freelance journalist and professional gardener.

The Garden of Shadow and Delight is my collection of prose poems on gardens (Cinnamon Press, 2014); other poems appear in magazines including Acumen, Artemis and Smiths Knoll.
I live in a small Hertfordshire village near London, go walking, swim wild and practise a silent meditation of the heart.

pedestrian acts

By de Certeau: In “Walking in the City”, de Certeau conceives pedestrianism as a practice that is performed in the public space, whose architecture and behavioural habits substantially determine the way we walk. For de Certeau, the spatial order “organises an ensemble of possibilities (e.g. by a place in which one can move) and interdictions (e.g. by a wall that prevents one from going further)” and the walker “actualises some of these possibilities” by performing within its rules and limitations. “In that way,” says de Certeau, “he makes them exist as well as emerge.” Thus, pedestrians, as they walk conforming to the possibilities that are brought about by the spatial order of the city, constantly repeat and re-produce that spatial order, in a way ensuring its continuity. But, a pedestrian could also invent other possibilities. According to de Certeau, “the crossing, drifting away, or improvisation of walking privilege, transform or abandon spatial elements.” Hence, the pedestrians could, to a certain extent, elude the discipline of the spatial order of the city. Instead of repeating and re-producing the possibilities that are allowed, they can deviate, digress, drift away, depart, contravene, disrupt, subvert, or resist them. These acts, as he calls them, are pedestrian acts.

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