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Mar Alzamora

Mar Alzamora

Musician, sound artist, writer, educator and cultural manager. Founder and double bass player of the Paisaxe chamber group and also co-founder of the ArtTIC Electronic Arts Festival. Her rhizomatic artistic research is based on the multisensory exploration of the ephemeral of cities through soundwalks. Writer under the label El Duende Gramatico with her book "The day that had no night"; her poetic work can be found in anthologies and magazines worldwide.

Co-organizer of the Ars Amandi International Poetry Festival, she has also served as coordinator and cultural advisor for multiple institutions. Currently, she collaborates with the Atelier Cultural with the #AtelierTalks, with the Latin American Experimental Music platform (MUSEXPLAT) in which he writes about new innovative musical productions in Latin America.

Currently, she is studying a Master of Contemporary Arts at the Simon Fraser University (Canada) and a Master of Education at University of Panama.

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Repeatedly going over the same terrain, generally backwards and forwards, although there is no reason why it can’t be circular. Whether done in- or outdoors it is usually restricted to a small area. Can be done at any time of the day or night. Eg when trying to get or keep a newborn to sleep.

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