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Stefaan van Biesen


Award winner
SWS Grand Jury 2024
Since 1990 Stefaan van Biesen has made walks which he documents and displays in drawings, installations, photography, models, texts, videos and photographs. He regards the act of walking as a kind of subjective thought process in the urban and natural landscape. He refers to the concept of ‘the body as measure unit’, using the senses and the body as instruments of knowledge, experience and creativity: art as a tool of connection with an ecological approach.

As a multidisciplinairy artists he spends an important part of his artistic creativity on exchanges and collaborations with other artists, scientists and experts from various disciplines. His work is in direct dialogue with his environment.

He is a member of the ArtScie Exhibits community Berlin [Humboldt University] and co-founder of the Milena principle, [an independent international art platform operating in Europe]. Worked as an artist in Belgium, Netherlands, France, Germany, UK, Poland, Italy, Serbia, Greece, Cyprus, Portugal, Serbia, Brazil, USA and China.

shoggle, worple

Since the 1500s, shoggle has been a word for various sorts of shaking. No wonder it became a word for unsteady walking in the 1800s. Zombies and toddlers are big shogglers. Another term sometimes applied to such precarious ambling is warpling. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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