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Susannah Walker

Susannah Walker

I write things
I have written a book, The Hard Way, about my walks following two of the oldest roads in England - but it's also about the experience of being a woman walking, the history of how women find it hard to walk away from home and looking at the experiences of other female artists and writers on the chalk downland where I walk.


The first sense of snudging refers to being cheap, stingy, miserly, and Scrooge-like. Such penny-pinching behavior isn’t associated with great posture, and perhaps that’s why the word later referred to walking with a bit of a stoop. An English-French dictionary from 1677 captures the essence of snudgery: “To Snudge along, or go like an old Snudge, or like one whose Head is full of business.” Snudging is a little like trudging. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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