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Walking in Ruins


Walking In Ruins is Geoff Nicholson‘s response to those who ask him to name a favourite walk. He walks by ruins ancient and modern, picturesque and mundane and he reports on what he sees with his eye for the unusual, and his habitual erudition and humour.

Ruins are his muse. So he spends the book doing exactly what its title suggests. Locations include an abandoned Los Angeles zoo, now inhabited by two homeless men, a Sheffield housing estate whose road layout survives even though its houses don’t, and a desert town that’s been, er, deserted. Nicholson keeps finding shoes there, though never a matching pair. (The Spectator)

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Back in the 1500s, nuddle had a few meanings that congregated low to the ground: To nuddle was to push something along with your nose or nudge forward in some other horizontal manner. By the 1800s, nuddle started referring to stooped walking, the kind of non-jaunty mosey in which someone’s head is hanging low. You can hear a touch of contempt in a phrase from an 1854 glossary by A. E. Baker: “How he goes nuddling along.” Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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