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Walking on the Iberian peninsula

16 Jun, 2024

Come October, Lisbon will host the Walk21 International Conference on Walking and Liveable Communities. This yearly conference was organised for the first time in the year 2000, and has been held in a different city every year.
This time, the stated goal is to better understand how we can develop and implement walking policies and programmes that deliver walkable communities and safer streets, as well as broader community participation while enhancing the value of walking.

These conferences perhaps tend to lean a bit more towards city planning and urbanism, but also provide connections to a broader interpretation of the role of ‘walking’ in society, including ‘walking’ as an artistic practice.

I’m very much looking forward to attending this year’s Walk21, my first, while I will also host a walk shop during the conference. My event will take participants to the streets, nudging them to explore public space on their own terms. However, as the conference program isn’t quite settled yet, I can’t tell you, yet, when I’m expected to entertain the masses. 

If you keep an eye on conference updates, and considering my walk shop will be outside of the conference venue, in public space, who will confirm your conference credentials if you just happen to be at the right place at the right time? You could conjure up the most perfect situation, and I hope to see you there.

More within our own purview, Nau Côclea is hosting this year’s Walking Art and Relation Geographies, starting in just two weeks, in Catalonia. I sadly can't make it, but if you are attending, you’ll see many familiar faces, including my WLC co-founders Andrew and Geert. 

And, did you notice that WLC now hosts a podcast archive with podcast episodes? The archive already includes some 150 episodes and is growing quickly. Take a look.

Keep walking!

Co-founder of walk · listen · create

Latest podcasts

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West Corners (historical), United States. A movie set depicting the residential street in Watertown where the police hunted for and found the surviving Boston Marat... Start listening
Fort Winthrop (historical), United States. In 1971, the Boston Gas Company commissioned the artist (and nun) Corita Kent to turn what many considered to be an indus... Start listening
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West Baker (historical), United States. At a remote desert site six miles north of Kramer Junction is a former military base and Federal Prison Camp, with an active... Start listening
Bellingham, United States. In 2005 a drug-smuggling tunnel was discovered by border officials, just a hundred yards east of the Lynden/Aldergrove Port of Entry. It ... Start listening

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Upcoming events

2024-06-18 14:00 · Northey Island, Maldon, UK
Artist Sara Hayes and a guest artist will guide you along Northey Island, investigating its environmental importance and some of the measures taken to protect it. Keep reading
20 - 21 Jun, 2024 · Online
The seasons move on and it will soon be Solstice, so here’s a provocation for you: 'Walking towards the Light’ This provocation involves a bit of serendipity; some ... Keep reading
2024-06-22 15:00 · 75 Great Lawn Oval, New York, NY 10024, USA
Trace more than four centuries of life and death in NYC on a tour of Battery Park, the Financial District, Tribeca, the Civic Center, and Chinatown (led by Death in... Keep reading
2024-06-22 18:00 · 5545 Avenue de Gaspé, Montreal, QC, Canada
Ici et Là | Here and Now is an immersive audio installation that is experienced with the ECHOES sound mapping device for smartphone Keep reading
22 Jun - 6 Jul, 2024 · Leytonstone Library, Church Lane, London, UK
Experience Graeme Miller’s sound walk/radio installation LINKED Keep reading

From our network

Day 351 - Consumption and 4.2 km drawing. Keep reading
Day 350 - Exile and 2.9 km drawing. Spontaneity and 1.4 km drawing. Keep reading
Day 349 - Predate and 1.6 km drawing. Keep reading
Une (nouvelle) écoute sur le monde ? Se (re)connecter au monde, au vivant, au vent, à la lumière, aux sons, par le corps tout entier… Se ressourcer aux chants de la... Keep reading
KoraCircling the great stupa of Boudhanath, along with monks, nuns, Tibetans, Nepalis, westerners, easterners, northerners, southerners. All the mantras muttered, b... Keep reading
Day 348 - Simulate and 4.0 km drawing. Keep reading

Stuff we found

Source: Don’t knock it – walking backwards is an exhilarating workout Keep reading

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The first sense of snudging refers to being cheap, stingy, miserly, and Scrooge-like. Such penny-pinching behavior isn’t associated with great posture, and perhaps that’s why the word later referred to walking with a bit of a stoop. An English-French dictionary from 1677 captures the essence of snudgery: “To Snudge along, or go like an old Snudge, or like one whose Head is full of business.” Snudging is a little like trudging. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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