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Flash #My Landmarks

Flash #My Landmarks chapbook
  • Anthology of flash stories about significant places
  • A6 sized 16pp chapbook
  • Limited edition – once it sells out it won’t be reprinted
  • Published by Sampson Low and packaged by the Museum of Walking
  • ISBN 978-1-912960-33-0
  • Despatched form the UK
  • €3.50 +p&p

To coincide with the global Sound Walk Sunday / September festival in 2019 we devised a flash writing competition to celebrate storytelling about places, the winning stories are included in this our latest 16pp chapbook anthology Flash #MyLandmarks.

Flash #MyLandmarks includes the winning stories from Andrew Anderson, Ruth Bradshaw, Paul Chown, Mel Davies, Carrie Dunne, Alison Fure, Pennie Hedge, Laurence Sullivan and Amanda Tuke.

The competition judged by N G Bristow (screen writer, director and visual artist running the MA in Directing Fiction at Goldsmiths University of London), Rebekah Lattin-Rawstrone (author, editor and tutor on the Novel Studio at City, University of London) and Andrew Stuck (Founding Director of the Museum of Walking).  The artwork is by Alban Low – who is also the co-publisher (with the Museum of Walking)!

APA style reference

Stuck, A. (2021). Flash #My Landmarks. walk · listen · create.

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