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In search of solitude on the Cape Wrath Trail

Meet the authors who are writing about walking and the landscapes through which we walk, at walk · listen · create’s Walking Writers Salons of which this is the second. We are delighted to have hill walker and outdoor adventure author Alex Roddie for our November Salon, talking about his approach to writing.

Walking Writers' Salon

Collection · 18 items


After the thaw © James Roddie

In search of solitude on the Cape Wrath Trail

We are delighted to have hill walker and outdoor adventure author Alex Roddie for our November Salon, talking about his approach to writing.

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mindful walking

A form of mindful movement. It uses the everyday activity of walking as a mindfulness practice to help you become more aware of the sensations in your body. By tuning into your environment and the sensations in your body as you walk, it can help you to focus on the present moment.

Added by Kel Portman

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