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Walking America hosted by Ann de Forest with Christine Hume, Nabil Kashyap, and Will Zhang

Ann de Forest hosts Walking America – writers in conversation. Practitioners and teachers of writings on walking, the guests include, Christine Hume, co-editor of Traversals: A Folio on Walking for The Hopkins Review, and two contributing writers, Nabil Kashyap and Will Zhang.

Walking America

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Walking America – writers in conversation with Ann de Forest, Christine Hulme, Nabil Kashyap and Willa Zhang

Walking America is a quarterly series of conversations that brings together American writers whose books share common themes. Introduced by Ann de Forest, Christine Hune, Nabil Kashyap and Willa Zhang will be in conversation.

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To stroll casually and slowly along, to saunter, as in “I was dodgin’ on, happy as a lark.” from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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