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Alphabet of the City

Schermafbeelding 2022-04-01 om 22.42.52

A gamification and walking arts workshop at the PlayOn – Hope! 2022 online conference – Monday to Wednesday 4-6 April 2022.

Walk and write the word “Peace” all over the world, exploring locative media and the city as a canvas, the body as a pencil and the city as a body.

During the workshop “Alphabet of the City” we gamify a map, for peace, and we offer a one week trial of CGeomap to build yourself a mini-project.

Check out as well the full and free online program between 4-6 april, diving deep into digital technologies which expand the spaces of theatre and attract new audiences.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Register here.


Geert Vermeire

Geert Vermeire

co-founder of walk · listen · create (Belgium) 
Fred Adam

Fred Adam

This event has happened

4 - 6 Apr, 2022

Hosted by: PlayOn - Hope! 2022 Conference

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Wandering without intent, meandering, walking with pleasurable aimlessness (English regional, esp. Lincolnshire; supposedly derived from the Norse word for “worm”). See also “stravaiging” (Scots), “daundering”, “pootling”, etc.

Added by Sam Shaw

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