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Australian Walking Artists Monthly Online Gathering

Australian Walking Artists logo with tagline

The topic of discussion is: Who and what and how are we as a group? How can we best walk and work together?
This topic emerged from our last online meeting as we recognised the rapid growth and development of AWA. We want to continue bringing walking creatives together, facilitating exhibitions and events. As an informal collective we have relied on a few volunteers for the bulk of the administrative tasks. Please join us for a fascinating discussion about our next steps as an Australian Walking Art Collective.
We are reaching a size where it’s important to think about how to manage the administration tasks, logistics and costs of maintaining a viable ARI/Collective. Our group will work best as we walk together. Please come along with your ideas and thoughts about these questions.

This event has happened

2024-05-19 02:00
2024-05-19 02:00
2024-05-19 02:00

Hosted by: Molly Wagner and Kim V. Goldsmith


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creating encounters

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To walk silently and sneak about, as in steeving around. from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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