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Awareness Walk (remote)

Lethbridge Coulees

When we are walking with awareness, what asks to be witnessed? What does the walk as an interaction between our body, mind, and the terrain ask us or ask of us? The pandemic has tended to keep us closer to home, in one place, more local and more aware of our locality. We are always right here, right now—when we are present and aware with all of our senses, in this particular location and at this particular time, what are the questions that are posed by our being in the world?
Walking prompts will be provided in text and audio to join in the Awareness Walk. The walk will happen in Lethbridge at 10:00am MDT (UTC-6 or 7:00pm in Greece) on July 6, 2021. It will be available to a group of up to 10 local in-person walkers. At the same time, the walk will be open to walkers in Prespa and anywhere in the world. Information and instructions will be found here:
We will set out to walk in whatever location we find ourselves, in silence, receptive, bringing awareness to our perceptions. The walk will take 45 minutes, or as long as participants would like. Non-walkers, whether due physical limitations, mobility issues, restrictions, or choice, are welcome to participate by sitting, in an outdoor location if that is available.
Participants will be asked to bring a pencil and piece of paper or small notebook. During or immediately after the walk they are invited to draw or write some lines, make some marks, perhaps a short poem, a few words, a map, or whatever expresses the flashes of perception or the questions that they experienced on the awareness walk. We encourage participants to submit their responses to the website by taking a photo and emailing it to us at [email protected].

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Walking as a Question

4 - 17 Jul, 2021 · 109 items

2021-07-06 16:00
2021-07-06 16:00

Hosted by: HUB Prespa
Multiple locations


Cottonwood grove, Lethbridge coulees
Sound walk

Being with Trees: A Contemplative Walk

Take a walk among the trees with us. During this contemplative audio walk we will tune in to aspects of our relationship to trees through guided contemplations and actions that focus our senses and invite an experience of co-being and appreciation.

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Bare feet, as in “walking on one’s softs.” from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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