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Black Joy is a Stride: How movement moves the message

Black Joy is Stride panellists

Greetings, Souls of Love and Light! My name is Chris Omni. I am affectionately known as “The Health Hippie”. It is my honor to invite you to an international conversation about Black Joy. Before we dive in, let me lay the foundation and answer the question – What is Black Joy?

Black Joy is a Statement 

Black Joy is a Stride

Black Joy is Permission 

Black Joy is Pride

Black Joy is a form of Resistance 

Black Joy is a form of Rest

Black Joy is anything you need it to be…

…because Black Joy is the best!

Now that you know what Black Joy is, let’s get ready to embark on a transformative conversation about what happens when that Black Joy is found in Green Spaces. Please join me, and five Black Queens and Kings, as we discuss the topic of “Slow Movements.” See you on September 15th*

*PS – This will also be a belated celebration of the National Black Joy Day! Yep! There is such a day, and it is honored on September 12th! Plus, should you happen to be in Tallahassee on Saturday 17th September, why not join Chris on a walk – more details here

Chris Omni is a doctoral candidate at Florida State University where she is researching Black Joy in Green Spaces through the methodologies of auto-ethnography, narrative inquiry, photo-elicitation, and nomadic inquiry. Most recently, Chris’s TEDx Talk, “Granny’s Garden: How to Grow Black Joy,” featured the first, public, poetic theorizing of Black Joy!

You can also download a copy of Chris’ poem Photosynthe-SIS: A Green Love letter to Black Women that was longlisted in the 2022 Urban Tree Festival writing competition.


Chris Omni

Chris Omni

Tyrone Watson-Ferguson

Tyrone Watson-Ferguson





(United States) 


Leonard Greene

Leonard Greene

(United States) 
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Black Joy is a Stride: How movement moves the message

It is my, Chris Omni, honor to invite you to an international conversation about Black Joy. Before we dive in, let me lay the foundation and answer the question – What is Black Joy?

Walking piece

Soles of Black Women: Walking Art as a Means to Reverse Engineer the Strong Black Woman Phenomena

Dr. Chris Omni's doctoral research on Black Joy in Green Spaces is now presented as a walking art performance that encourages Black women to prioritize rest. This piece is filmed in a way that poetically invites audiences to walk in the shoes of BW.

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Aimless wandering.

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