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en route

en route Edinburgh – Jane Barlow

See Edinburgh as if for the first time – again! en route returns in all of its retro glory, thirteen years after its UK debut at TravFest.

en route is a love song to our city, unfolding places, personal and private, present and past.

Engaging with audio, mobile phones, iPods, walking, urban streetscapes, and the city, en route invites you on a walking and listening journey – both inward and outward – across the thoroughfares and back-alleys of Edinburgh.

Part traveller, witness, and voyeur. As you journey, fragments of narrative, local music, and sound, intertwine with directions, wanderings, observations, and found experiences. The spontaneous choreography of passers-by, streets, alleys, and buildings evoke a city on which to project your own narratives and meanings as perceptions, insights, senses make and remake the city you inhabit.

Winner of Best Theatre Production at the Adelaide Fringe and Best Live Art at Melbourne Fringe. Following hit seasons in Chicago; Singapore; Adelaide; Melbourne; Auckland; Brisbane; Seoul; and for the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad. en route remastered returns to Edinburgh conceived by award-winning Australian collective one step at a time like this (Forever Young, Since I Suppose, Nocturne), internationally renowned for their immersive work in collaboration with Richard Jordan Productions and the Traverse Theatre.

Please note the route is not wheelchair accessible.

This event has happened

15 Aug, 2023
15 Aug, 2023

Hosted by: Traverse Theatre
Edinburgh, UK

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attentive walking

A method of walking and attending to experienced environment that is free, open and ‘without agenda’. Not to be confused with the idleness of flanerie or the intentions of attitudinal walking.

Added by Sonia Overall

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