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Experiments on a Tightrope

A walking workshop exploring memories and hopes for the seafront at Penzance.

Based on a sound walk we are currently making, we invite you to use creative map-making tools to make a personalised map from your memories, experiences and dreamings. First we’ll take a silent walk along the seafront to reengage with the sea, wall, and wind. Then, using photos and notes of locations of significance, each participant will be encouraged to deepen and share their past, present and future experiences of the seafront.

This walking workshop is for anyone who knows the seafront, in any capacity – from first time visitor to life long inhabitant – and wants to share their experiences and thoughts around the new seawall, coastal hazards and resilience.

These workshops are part of a larger National Oceanography Centre monitoring project, and the Walk With Us, AR walks, due to be launched proper in July 2022.

This event has happened

2021-09-12 14:00
2021-09-12 14:00
2021-09-12 14:00

Penzance, UK


Sound walk

Lune Rising

The year is 2060. Sea levels have surged. Lancaster city, in the north of England, is reduced to Castle Island. A voice, the sole remaining inhabitant, guides you around this un/familiar coastline, wanting you to adapt to these new lands.

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To walk with long, purposeful strides: Here’s Robbie comin stendin up da rodd.

Added by Janette Kerr

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