We invite you to join us for the second walk of the year on Friday 5th.
Once again our walking will be solitary but synchronised, so that we can walk together wherever we happen to be, in the virtual company of other walkers.
Our First Friday Walks usually start with a pub lunch – in our dreams.
But instead we’ll be setting up a short Zoom session starting at 12:00 GMT, just long enough so you can enjoy some company and say hello to fellow walkers, eat a sandwich and have a brief discussion about the walk.
We leave to start the walk at 13:15 GMT – some may well be in different time zones… If that’s the case please just email and let us know
Our walk will have as a focus ideas around ‘Sense of Place’.
Below are quotes that define what it might mean.
‘It is far too inclusive, multifaceted and prodigious a concept to be defined as a single thing, built up over time into a constellation of cultural as well as natural meanings that make it as essential and irreplaceable to humans as it is to wildlife
For ‘place’ is what grounds us and holds us close to the earth.
Our distinctive desire to forge attachments to landscape that impart personal meaning, value and identity as they intertwine with our lives and communities is known as topophilia or the love of place.’
Julian Hoffman
‘The catalyst that converts any physical location – any environment if you will – into a place, is the process of experiencing deeply. A place is a piece of a whole environment that has been claimed by feelings.’
Alan Gussow
‘A sense of place is the sixth sense, an internal compass and map made by memory and spatial awareness together.’
Rebeccas Solnit
We invite you to find a favourite, special or secret place with which you feel an affinity; to carefully observe it; to respond to it in ways that are appropriate to you. Try to explain exactly what it may be about the place that influenced your response. This could be through any visual media, through sound or words… wherever it takes you.
So that your work can be shared with others on this walk, we’ll set up a private and confidential Facebook page (only available to us) where you’ll be able to upload your work or links to you media, as well as make and answer comments
Please get back to us by return if you’d like to join with us by emailing [email protected] and we’ll send you details of the Zoom meeting by next Wednesday
Best wishes
Kel and Richard