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In the Field 2

In the Field 2

Over eighty international presenters will contribute a diverse range of insights across peer reviewed presentations, workshops, sound and video works. Topics including acoustic witnessing, technology and ethics, critical fieldcraft, multi-sensory listening, memory, archives and more will forge unique and timely interventions into the changing methods, aesthetics and debates that infuse the field.

Registration starts at 09.30 each day, the event runs until approximately 18.30

There will also be an exhibition with a listening room and video screening room available throughout the event. (Exhibitors to be announced)

Indicative panels are as follows (NB this is subject to change).

Thursday 4 July 2024

(Includes parallel sessions)

CRiSAP Welcome and Introductory Panel 

Placing the Field 

Anton Spice, Gabriele de Seta, Nele Möller, Sally Ann McIntyre

Capturing and Releasing Lifeworlds

Emiddio Vasquez, Jonathan Prior & Sandra Jasper, Leena Lee & Guillermo Guevara, Rachel Shearer

Hearing Criticalities: Layers in Space and Time 

Allie Martin, Chantal Eyong, Hector MacInnes,Ingeborg Entrop

Concrete and Abstract: Pressing Record and Activating Collections

Daryl Jamieson, Dayang Magdalena Nirvana Yraola, Gustavo Branco Germano and Fernando Iazzetta, Mark Rohtmaa-Jackson & Björt Sigfinnsdóttir 

Memory Machines: Inclusion, Ethics, Authenticity

Lakehal Lila, Matt Lewis, Mitchell Akiyama, Nathan Wolek, Neil Spencer Bruce

Friday 5 July 2024

(Includes parallel sessions)

The Social Lives of Sounds

David Vélez, Kate Carr, Lisa Hall, Spencer MINQ Carter

Listening, Relistening, Reflecting, Resisting 

Amias Hanley, Nombuso Mathibela & Sibonelo Gumede, Paulo Dantas, Pragya Sharma

Performing Archives, Hearing Histories, Tuning Technologies

Alexander Collinson, Gisa Weszkalnys, Maja Zećo, Rachel Grant & William Otchere-Darko, Jonas Spieker, Nicol Parkinson

Amplification, Attention, Reception 

Anandit Sachdev, Jacek Smolicki, Jess Pinney, Julia Barton 

Interference, Energy, Technology, Polyphony

Bariya: Pratyush Pushkar and Riya Raagini, Julian Weaver, Matt Parker, Soundcamp: Dawn Scarfe, Grant Smith, Mort Drew & Sasha Baraister 

Bodies, Care and Ghosts 

Banu Çiçek Tülü, Helen Anahita Wilson, Joanna Penso, Leon Clowes 

Sensory Collaborations

Ecka Mordecai, GUI Ren and Ryo Ikeshiro, Samuel Hertz, Tania Rubio

Sonic Ethnographies 

Anna Vermeulen, Eisuke Yanagisawa, Karl Salzmann, Tilly Mason

Saturday 6 July 2024

Audio Channels: Swarms, Streams, Samples, Dummy Heads

David Michael & Michael Clemow, Ecka Mordecai & Rory Salter, John Grzinich, Lia Mazzari 

Localities and Elsewheres

alejandro t. acierto, Moushumi Bhowmik, Peter Cusack, Robert O. Beahrs, Safeya Alblooshi

Acoustic Witnessing 

Alejandro Castillejo-Cuéllar, Alexander Vojvoda & Korab Krasniqi, Lara James & Leah Kardos, Luz Maria Sanchez Cardona

With four workshops happening throughout the day:

Playing Back

Beth Robertson

The Eurovision Field Recording Project

Chase Coley

The Things You Hear And The Stories You Write About Them

Travis Yu

Our shared georhythms: bodies, scores, mixtures (muddy workshop 2.0)

MUD Collective

This event has happened

4 Jul, 2024 · All day
4 Jul, 2024 · All day

Hosted by: CRiSAP (Creative Research in Sound Arts Practice), University of the Arts London in collaboration with the British Library.
London College of Communication, Elephant and Castle, Elephant & Castle, London SE1 6SB, UK

Field recording

Collection · 42 items

Sound arts

Collection · 73 items


Without text_cover_3_Alban_Low res
Sound walk

Sydney Gardens Tree Weekender audio anthology

Rustling in the leaves Through dappled sunlight, a shower of falling leaves, and with colours of autumn all around you, you can now listen to poetry and prose inspired by trees in parks and public gardens while you stroll through Bath’s Sydney Gardens.     Bath & North East Somerset Council celebrated trees in parks and public gardens

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lonning, lonnin

Cumbrian dialect term for ‘lane’ – but a quite specific lane. Lonnings are usually about half a mile long, low level and often with a farm at the end. Many have specific names known only to the local villagers. Hence, Bluebottle Lonning, Lovers Lonning, Fat Lonning, Thin Lonning, Squeezy Gut Lonning or Dynamite Lonning. In the north-east the spelling is lonnin and seems to refer more to an alley than a country lane. The Scottish equivalent is ‘loan’.

Added by Alan Cleaver

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