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JMW Turner in North Shields/South Shields

Peter Coyte field recording

Referencing JMW Turner’s Keelman Heaving Coals by Moonlight we will explore the contrast between the rural & industrial.
Composer Peter Coyte, choreographer Dora Frankel, musician Martin Elliott & one dancer TBC will be making a gentle ‘dérive’ walk recording sound & responding to the landscape with movement & gestures with the purpose of gathering material for a sound, music & dance performance.
Coyte & Frankel have used walks such as these as a starting points for previous projects including ‘The Unfolding Sky – Turner in The North’ and ‘Figures in a Floating Landscape’ premiered last year as part of The Turner Prize celebrations.
Will be of particular interest for artists, dancers, field recordists & musicians.


Peter Coyte

Peter Coyte

Dora Frankel

Dora Frankel

This event has happened

2020-09-20 11:00
2020-09-20 11:00

Hosted by: Peter Coyte & Dora Frankel
North Shields NE29 0BH, UK

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huellas de una otra historia

Footsteps of another / alternative history.

Added by Elspeth Penfold

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