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NEXT STEPS – online audio walk barcamp

NEXT STEPS online barcamp for audio walks

Next Steps is a free barcamp for audio walk artists and invites you to exchange ideas.

What to expect? A barcamp is a participatory event whose topics are determined jointly by all participants. Everyone attending can be both participant and speaker.

Why did we decide on this format? We love the exchange of knowledge and experience on an equal basis and are curious about the topics that are currently on your minds around the medium of audio walk!

What does a session look like? A session lasts 45 minutes and can be, for example, a workshop, an open discussion or a joint brainstorming. You don’t need to be an expert to offer a session: Often a question is enough to get the exchange going. At the beginning of the barcamp, the topics are briefly introduced and we agree on which sessions will take place and when. Since we meet online, there is no upper or lower limit to the number of participants, unless the session provider sets a limit.

Please sign up for the event until Oct. 2.

This event has happened

2023-10-04 12:00
2023-10-04 12:00

Hosted by: Storydive

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A person, book, map, etc. that frames a series of walks and points of observation and contemplation with a particular town, city or landscape – it often places the fictional, fanciful, fragile and personal on equal terms with tangible, municipal history.

Added by Stephen Hodge

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