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Join Wolverhampton based artist Daniella Turbin for a walk around the City of Wolverhampton. ‘S09198’ is the grid unique grid reference for the centre of the City of Wolverhampton, and throughout the duration of Offsite9 BAS we will be exploring every underpass, street and building within this one kilometre square. You are invited to sign up to take a one to one walk with the artist, and together we will map and record the city through photography and walking. This project will take place throughout the duration of British Art Show 9, and will finish with the creation of a public map of the city on the scale of 1:100.

This event has happened

2022-01-29 09:00
2022-01-29 09:00

Hosted by: Daniella Turbin
Wolverhampton, UK

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hybrid flaneur/flaneuse

Hybrid flaneur/flaneuse has become a performative “orchestrator” of steps and technologies – of sensory and emotional encounters. It is this oscillation between the poetic, the socio-technological, the geographical and the emotional that shifts the meaning of flanerie and walking in the 21st century. Hybrid flaneur/flaneuse can be also described in line with the cultural and aesthetic trajectories of the 20th century ambulatory practices. Therefore, a hybrid flaneur/flaneuse could be a creative merging of the romanticised view of early flaneur, the radical tactics and political implications of psychogeography and the performative/site-oriented elements of Fluxus and Land Art – all considered through a wide range of embodied media, social and geographical sensitivities.

Added by Bill Psarras

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