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Shinrin-Yoku – Forest Bathing Night Walk

Tree worship is universal, as is our symbiotic relationship to trees.
A projected night walk a Cork Forest in Canberra’s National Arboretum.
Localjinni is a people powered, events platform, mobilising art, technology, and urban play to transform dark public spaces into active places.
Participating artists- Dr Sally Clarke, Dr Tracey Benson, Jane Duong, Nicole Voevodin-Cash, Caroline Huff, Dr Ursula Frederick and Fiona Hooton.

This event has happened

2023-11-03 09:00
2023-11-03 09:00

Hosted by: Localjinni
Canberra ACT, Australia


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Pigeon-toed person. from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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