Enjoy a Sunday afternoon stroll through Biddybungie Reserve on the western bank of the Wambuul/ Macquarie, introducing you to a sonic riverside world you will have never heard before. This 1.5 hour walk requires nothing but a mobile phone with a QR code reader, earbuds/headphones, and a willingness to listen… actively and deeply.
Guided by Dubbo-based field recordist, sound artist and founder of ecoPULSE.art, Kim V. Goldsmith, the Wambuul Soundwalk celebrates the riverine environment through listening, questioning, thinking, and wonder at those sounds that exist below the surface.
This free, community event has been funded by the Country Arts Support Program (CASP) with thanks to Create NSW and Orana Arts, as part of the Sonic Territories: Wambuul project.
1pm – 2.30pm
Sunday, 28 August 2022
Starting point: Lions Park picnic shelters, West Dubbo
If rained out, we’ll postpone until Sunday, 11 September – same times
Places are limited.