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SWS20 2020

30 Days of Walking: Sound Walk September 2020

Sound walk

30 Days of Walking is a collaborative sound walk in which everyone can participate, anywhere in the world.

You are invited to participate in a project involving scores, perhaps hundreds, or participants, with the aim of creating a 30-day, collaborative, sound walk.

1. Participants, you, select one or more ‘time slots’ during the month of September.

2. You commit to going for a walk, during this time slot, for the duration of the period you indicated.

3. You make an audio recording during your walk. This can be a recording of your full walk as a whole, or of just a short portion, or anywhere in between.

4. After your walk, you upload your audio recording.

After September, we expect to have created a continuous soundscape with contributions from all over the world, accessible to all.


Hosted by: walk · listen · create

APA style reference

Fakhamzadeh, B. (2020). 30 Days of Walking: Sound Walk September 2020. walk · listen · create.

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The Walking Institute

A peripatetic school for the human pace – it explores, researches and celebrates the human pace by bringing walking and other journeying activities together with arts and other cultural disciplines and people from all walks of life.

Added by Claudia Zeiske

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