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A Place to Return to

A Place to Return to
525600 minutes


Collection · 223 items

walking as research.

Collection · 175 items

creating encounters

Collection · 167 items


Collection · 211 items
Walking piece

Over twelve months I walked from my home in Wolverhampton, and around Britain. I travelled the length and breadth of Britain on foot and connected its major and minor towns and cities through walking. These long distance walks were interspersed with partnered walks with other walking artists along the way. By travelling through the landscape at this speed I was able to observe and record personal and collective memories of Britain, whilst also considering what is the shape of Britain as we enter into post-pandemic living.

‘A Place to Return to’ is a continuation of my mapping Britain project where I plan to travel every square of the Ordnance Survey maps of Britain and take one analogue photograph.


This work has been supported using public funding by Arts Council of England
Hosted by: Arts Council of England

APA style reference

Turbin, D. (2023). A Place to Return to. walk · listen · create.

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keeping distance

Moving in a way so as to maintain distance between self and one or two other animals within view.

Added by JamesC

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