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SWS22 2022

Being with Trees: A Contemplative Walk

Cottonwood grove, Lethbridge coulees
Multiple locations

Walking Art and Relational Geographies (2022)

5 - 9 Jul, 2022 · 45 items
Sound walk

Grounded in an understanding of our interrelationship with all beings, this audio walk will guide participants in an experiential interaction with trees while walking among them. During this contemplative walk, we are invited to be aware of all of our senses, and extend our perception widely. We know that trees communicate through fungal networks and pheromones, and there is an increasing understanding of their sentience and ontological realities. How can we be with trees in a way that is open to relationship? Can we learn to go beyond our extractive and dualistic assumptions in relating to the natural world?

In this walk we will tune in to different aspects of relationship to trees, through guided contemplations and actions that focus our senses and invite an experience of co-being and appreciation. Participants can download the audio walk and listen to it while walking through any forest, woods, bosque, or grove of trees, pausing the audio at any time to spend more time in reflection, silence, or being with trees. It can be adapted for non-walkers by sitting in view of a tree.

If you would like to send us a photo from your walk and let us know the location, we would be pleased to add it to the online gallery. More information and audio file available here:

Being with Trees Audio Walk

CC-BY-NC: Sandra Cowan

APA style reference

Cowan, S. (2022). Being with Trees: A Contemplative Walk. walk · listen · create.


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Global sound walking

In the framework of the Walking Encounters in Catalonia two duos of artists participated with remote audio walks, in the wake of the pandemic.

Sandra Cowan

Global sound walking

Four artists from around the globe are now gathered for a round table conversation and discussion about (remote) relationships and creative collaborations via sound walking in an (almost) post pandemic world.

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A person, book, map, etc. that frames a series of walks and points of observation and contemplation with a particular town, city or landscape – it often places the fictional, fanciful, fragile and personal on equal terms with tangible, municipal history.

Added by stephen hodge

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