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Carnival Trail Companion

Isle of Wight, United Kingdom
120 minutes
Walking piece

Launched in 2014 as headline event for the Isle of Wight Walking Festival, the Carnival Trail links all the Carnival Towns and Villages together in a single 100 mile route. It celebrates the Isle of Wight as the birthplace of the English carnival tradition, and promotes the 19 summer carnivals and 6 winter parades which take place on the Island every year. Richard White created soundscapes along the way – voices, poems, songs, recorded music and ambient noise to augment the experience.

The soundscapes are part of the Carnival Trail Companion
providing a further level of experience for those visiting the
individual carnival communities. Each of the sound parks offer a short walk through echoes of carnival accompanied by the thoughts and reflections of carnival organisers.

Find out more about the Carnival Trail:


Hosted by: Richard White, Ali Pretty, & Adam Jansch

APA style reference

White, R. (2014). Carnival Trail Companion. walk · listen · create.

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To move slowly or with difficulty; to walk in a clumsy, awkward manner. from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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