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Coasts in Mind

Coasts in Mind


Collection · 187 items

creative writing

Collection · 180 items


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Collection · 83 items
Walking piece

This is one of the outcomes of an event delivered for Coasts in Mind in Kent . The events have been designed to empower communities to share their memories and recognize the value of their local community knowledge . The CIM methodology which uses walking, in the form of a drift is designed to draw awareness to the value of local knowledge for policymakers responding to climate change in coastal areas.


East Kent Mencap , Herne Bay Day Resource

Museum of London Archeology

Hosted by: Thread and Word

APA style reference

Penfold, E. (2023). Coasts in Mind. walk · listen · create.

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One who carries a heavy bag for another who is intent on spoiling a walk.

Added by Andrew Stuck

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