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SWS19 2017

Continuing the journey of the Tortoise and the spider

Multiple locations
Sound walk
No longer available

During World Listening Day 2017 and Made of Walking (II) Ros Bandt created a collaborative work, in collaboration with Geert Vermeire, a sound walk performance “The tortoise and the spider”, a web of walkers.
Focusing on outdoors movement practices and new technology / live electronics the performance invited to new ways of co-operation in sound and movement. The sound artists engaged for this performance with a group of dancers in a collaboration of making a giant illuminated people spider aeolian harp played and moved around, walking at night, connected with strings. The process involved the creation of a “human harp”, a group in movement connected with each other, with portable speakers, locative media, and a tortoise lyra, playing the strings that connect them in their trajectory, resonating with the ground in a global pilgrimage starting at the Parnassos Mountain in Delphi Greece.
Afterwards the lyra and the head of the spider, as itinerants instruments, travelled the world separately with Geert Vermeire and Ros Bandt, engaging in locative media performances and walks with local artists in Athens, Nicosia, Lisbon, New York, Sao Paulo and in Melbourne. This summer the head and body meet again at Lake Prespes in Greece for Made of Walking (V) and travel for Sound Walk Sunday 2019 to Vienna, to become a tortoise spider and tortoctopus sound walk, returning eventually back to Melbourne for a final performance during September.
Vienna, 6-8 September

APA style reference

Bandt, R. (2017). Continuing the journey of the Tortoise and the spider. walk · listen · create.

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A field of activist performance that utilises walking and moving and talking in rural landscapes to address issues of environmental, social or political concern (Jess Allen).

Added by Deirdre Heddon

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