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Crossing the Limits Prespa / Grammos / Mytilene / Thermi / Sikinos / Marousi / Athens The 138 kilometers of Limits

Crossing The Limits Grammos Sifnow
Ijburg Print (see description), IJburglaan, Άμστερνταμ, Ολλανδία


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The walking piece Crossing the Limits Prespa / Grammos / Mytilene / Thermi / Sikinos / Marousi / Athens. The 138 kilometers of Limits was realized in five periods from July to October 2023 in five different trails/areas of Greece.

– Walking in the void, walking as a dadirri process, Prespa Area, July 7th to July 8th, 12 kilometers.
– FROZEN TIME, Grammos as the Great Maneuver V, Grammos, July 14th to July 20th, 61 kilometers
– The Limits of Carefree Sand, Mytilene/Therme, July 23rd, 8 kilometers.
– Searching for Neiko, Sikinos, August 27th to August 30th, 57 kilometers.
– Visual March to Prespes/Athens, Marousi/Athens, October 28th, 15 kilometers.

The process was organized with various walking methodologies with the concept of the nomadic body being the central one.

The 138 kilometers that were crossed during the period from July to October 2023 formed a traversing of the Greek Landscape through the memories, presences, and possibilities it evoked.

The Greek landscape is perhaps one of the two most “depicted” landscape in European painting without being visited until the 19th century by any of the major artists from the Renaissance onwards. The other such place is Judaea. The scenes of mythology and antiquity are played out in the paintings in an existent and at the same time non-existent non-space.

The traversal of the contemporary Greek Landscape in a contemporary walking context is a process of self-exploration between the projections of others and the identity of who I am.

For over four months I walked 138 kilometers in five different sites in Greece in an effort to discover the Greek Landscape in its totality and redefine it. The process created new parameters, initiated innovative processes, captured sensory stimuli, formed concepts, and recalled histories, both individual and collective. It made the place where we live a place/topos again, far from the non-place projections of the European past. It empowered, all of us who creatively experience the presence of this place in our being.


This work was hosted by the Greek Ministry of Culture, International Encounters/Conference WAC 23, Walking Visions/Visions for Walking. Grammos Festival, Experiencing the Carefree Sand. 5th Little Islands Festival., Platforms Project 2023, Independent Art Fair.

Further credits:

- Walking in the void, walking as a dadirri process, Nomadic Body: Yannis Ziogas, Christos Ioannidis, Yorgos Lazoglou, Markos Ntemkas, Christina Barba, Sophie Cabot, Miguel Bandeira, Jez Hastings, Fionna Hesse, Anna Lyuten, Molly Wanger,
- FROZEN TIME, Grammos as the Great Maneuver V,
Nomadis body/Perceivers: Jez Hastings, Nikow Theodoropoulos, Yannis Ziogas, Christos Ioannidis.
Visual Interpretation/Receivers: Geert Vermeire, Michal Salwinski, Rena Gouberitsi, Efi Kotoula, Alexandra Boula,, Dora Siafla, Karolos Chilas.
- The Limits of Carefree Sand, Nomadic Body: Yannis Ziogas, Sofia Kyriakou, Despina Kostelidou, Anna Micheli, Miltiadis Chtouris, Sotiris Chtouris.
- Visual March to Prespa, Athens, Markos Ntemkas.

APA style reference

Ziogas, Y. (2023). Crossing the Limits Prespa / Grammos / Mytilene / Thermi / Sikinos / Marousi / Athens The 138 kilometers of Limits. walk · listen · create.

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A drawing made on an outside environment, trafitti combines the word “graffiti”, to inscribe a surface, “trace” (which itself combines the meanings track, to make ones way, and to draw), and “traffic”, the passage of people or vehicles in transit, or the conveyance of messages or data through a communications system.

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