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Dérive app X Little Free Library

New York, NY, USA


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Public Art

Collection · 169 items
Walking piece

After a successful construction of a physical deck as part of a class at MIT and with some inspiration from a professor of a class at the Harvard Extension School, I took another dive into the creation of a physical deck, and to distribute it through New York’s abundant collection of Little Free Libraries.

I’ve printed nine decks of 56 cards each, then made bundles of three sheets of four identical cards, for distribution in 42 Little Free Libraries throughout Brooklyn and Manhattan.

The idea is that, when someone finds the little stack of sheets, they read the accompanying explanation, take one sheet of four cards, and start exploring their neighbourhood, prompted by the tasks in the cards

Then, if the concept appeals, I hope, and expect, they will explore their vicinity for additional Little Free Libraries with, hopefully, additional sheets of tasks, perhaps them being able to complete their collection, which would require, at minimum, finding 14 of the little libraries.

This deck of 56 cards consists of 16 cards from the Dérive app deck for New York, 8 cards from the ‘Taking it easy’ deck, with the remainder drawn from the ‘Urban Base Deck’

APA style reference

Fakhamzadeh, B. (2022). Dérive app X Little Free Library. walk · listen · create.

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A journey which will include walking as an essential component, the object of is to become lost.

Added by Bill Aitchison

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