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Evidence, a groundbreaking exhibition by Soundwalk Collective and Patti Smith, explores the relationship between physical, spiritual and poetic journeys. Originally presented at the Centre Pompidou in Paris (2022-2023), this multidisciplinary experience has travelled to Lisbon, and may continue its journey to other cities. Here, the act of “walking” is not literal, but rather a metaphorical exploration of the journeys undertaken by the featured poets and the artists – Arthur Rimbaud, Antonin Artaud, and René Daumal. Through sound, image, and object, visitors embark on a captivating exploration of inspiration, retracing the footsteps of creative spirits who sought new horizons.
The physical, sonic, and visual voyages of Soundwalk Collective enter into a dynamic conversation with the poetic journeys of Patti Smith. This dialogue creates a new, multilayered language for exploring the poets’ works.
The exhibition offers a captivating journey through a vast installation. Visitors encounter a mix of audio, film, abstract images, objects, and creations collected throughout the artists’ travels. Juxtaposed photos, texts, and original works by Patti Smith, sourced from her personal collection as well as the Musée National d’Art Moderne and MoMA, offer a window into the poets’ spirits and artistic processes.

APA style reference

Smith, P., & Soundwalk Collective (2022). Evidence. walk · listen · create.
Submitted by: Annemarie Lopez

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dauner, daunder

A Scottish version of a walk that drifts.

Added by Alec Finlay

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