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[M]apping Aberdeen

Aberdeen, Scotland, UK


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Walking piece

The [M]apping Aberdeen app offers a set of cultural walking routes around Aberdeen City for locals and visitors, which uncover alternative, quirky or unusual places on and off the beaten track. It encourages locals and visitors to explore the city, discover new sights, sounds, history, stories and city views, and to exercise while doing so. The app is content-rich, with images, sound and text built in; it has a ‘Treasure’ function, allowing users to collect and save images and sounds at points of interest as they are visited and to share these through social media. The app uses a platform that allows new routes to be developed easily in collaboration with different city partners, with a number of the routes on the app having been developed with these partners.

The app is the result of interdisciplinary research conducted by academic staff at the University of Aberdeen in Cultural Theory, Music and Health Sciences disciplines, working with an external app developer. It was funded by a Knowledge Exchange and Commercialisation grant from the University of Aberdeen.


created by Heather Morgan, Andrew Sage, Pete Stollery and Ed Welch

funded by University of Aberdeen

APA style reference

Stollery, P. (2016). [M]apping Aberdeen. walk · listen · create.

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to diddle, diddling around

Wandering, getting side tracked, following the breeze, stalking a butterfly, wondering a lot, being completely in the transient moment.

Added by R and F Mo

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